Mercado del libro y empresas editoriales entre el Centenario de las Independencias y la Guerra Civil española: la editorial Sudamericana

  • Gabriela Dalla Corte
  • Fabio Espósito
Keywords: Americanism, Argentina, Books, Cataluña, Independence, Spanish Civil War, Sudamericana publishing house, Publishers, 20th Century


The commercial strategies of the Spanish booksellers and publishing houses in the American markets are analyzed in a context distinguished by Americanist trends in the political sphere and “regenerationist” initiatives in the economic field, during the period beginning with the Centennial of the Wars of Independence and ending with the Spanish Civil War. This paper studies the managerial strategies implemented by the publishing houses of Catalonia, the leadership of this region as epicentre of the Hispanic project, and finally the conditions that allowed the creation of the “Sudamericana” publishing house of Buenos Aires, before the imminence of Franco´s victory. The foci of study are the publishing and commercial strategies; the importance of the book associations and management corporations; and the bonds formed with the Argentine intellectual sector in the first decades of the 20th century by means of the consular delegations, cultural institutions and Spanish chambers of commerce


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How to Cite
Dalla Corte G. . y Espósito F. . (2010). Mercado del libro y empresas editoriales entre el Centenario de las Independencias y la Guerra Civil española: la editorial Sudamericana. Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 36, 257-289.