CTK could not neglect to take into account the Bicentenary of Marx, as shows the special issue in which we decided to address this topic with the title of Kant and Marx, coordinated by Clara Ramas, postdoctoral researcher at the Catholic Univ. of Valencia. The especial issue contains 13 articles by outstanding international scholars specialized in Kant and Marx, introduced by the coordinator. Cassandra Basile, researcher of the Univ. of Pisa (Italy), coordinates the second part of the dossier focusing on the topic Dialectics of Reason, Teleology and Idea of World in Kant, whereas Joe Saunders, professor of Durham Univ. (UK), gathered a polyphonic Discussion on Transcendental Freedom and Its Discontents, and Marco Russo, professor of the Univ. of Salerno (Italy), opens a new section —Dialogues— with his comment to a paper of Angelo Cicatello, professor of the Univ. of Palermo (Italy). The issue contains the usual number of reviews. As each CTK issue has its own shape, this time the issue does not deliver neither an interview with a prominent Kant scholar nor a translation of Kant’s texts.
It is my pleasure to highlight that the first Iberoamerican Web of Scholars Kant: Ethics, Politics and Society (RIKEPS) ( has been released, supported by the AUIP, coordinated by the executive secretary of CTK, Nuria Sánchez Madrid, and housed at the Department of Philosophy and Society of the UCM (Spain). This is a new endeavour promoted by the editorial team of CTK, as the CTK international workshops and the Kant Digital Library CTK E-Books.
The fourth edition of CTK Workshops will be held at the UNAM (Mexico) from 17 to 21 June 2019, with the tile Kant and Regulative Ideals: from Epistemology to History, within the framework of the Vth Iberoamerican Congress of Philosophy. In autumn of 2019 the RIKEPS will organize an international Congress focusing on the topic Right and Soceity, to be held at the Univ. Complutense of Madrid (Spain) in autumn 2019.
Finally, I would like to mention that CTK E-Books has been enriched with two new titles. The collected volume Kant’s practical philosophy (
CTK 8 Editorial Note
filosofia-practica-de-kant/), coedited by professor Faviola Rivera (UNAM, Mexico) and me with the support of UNAM (Mexico) and the UNALCO (Colombia) and a new translation of Perpetual Peace ( diseno-filosofico/).
Roberto R. Aramayo CTK Editor-in-Chief Berlin, December 2018