CTK 15 Editorial Note


            The journal Con-textos Kantianos carries on the path opened in 2014, launching its issue 15, which the editorial team is glad to display to the supporting group of readers who follow us till our first issue. The contents enclose a miscellaneous section, made of five papers offering contemporary approaches and accounts to Kant’s philosophy from Argentina, Mexico, Kuwait, Portugal and the USA. This issue also counts on a dossier entitled Law and Society in Kant. Contemporary Readings of the ‘Doctrine of Right’, which puts together eight contributions by outstanding Kant international scholars, with the professors Gustavo Leyva (Univ. Autónoma of Mexico, Mexico), Óscar Cubo (Univ. of València, Spain) and Laura Herrero (UNED, Spain) as invited editors. This issue also gathers a second dossier, entitled Kant's Logic of the Pathological: Aesthetics and Politics, with the Portuguese Kant scholars, Paulo Jesus y Fernando Silva, from the CFUL of Lisboa, as invited editors, which includes some of the expositions discussed at the homonymous workshop organized by the Latinamerican, Spanish and Portuguese Network “Kant: Ethics, Politics and Society” (RIKEPS), which took part through zoom on June 15th and 16th 2021 as a cooperation of RIKEPS Network, the CFUL of Lisbon and the IFILNOVA of the Nova Univ. of Lisbon. The contributions give different accounts of the disorders of reason by Kant researchers from Brazil, Uruguay and Italy and flesh out the effort to weave a cohesive Euro-American network of study and reception of Kant’s philosophy, with special emphasis in his legal and political philosophy. The last section of the issue displays eight reviews of recent Kant-related collected books and essays.



Roberto R. Aramayo (IFS-CSIC)

& Nuria Sánchez Madrid (UCM)


Descripción: kant_ctk_TRANSPARENTE1.pngOslo/Madrid, June 2022