Journal of Iberian Geology 2017-02-16T11:47:29+00:00 José López-Gómez - Javier Martín-Chivelet Open Journal Systems <p><em>Journal of Iberian Geology </em>(ISSN 1698-6180, ISSN-e 1886-7995) publishes original works referring to different aspects of Earth Sciences such as Geology, Palaeontology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Physical Geography, particularly related to the Iberian Peninsula, the Mediterranean and Ibero-America. From January 2017, <em>Journal of Iberian Geology</em> is co-published by the Complutense University and Springer Nature. <strong><br></strong></p> The hydrocarbon source rocks of the Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) in the Asturian Basin (Northern Spain): Their relationship with the palaeoclimatic oscillations and gamma-ray response. 2017-02-16T10:10:15+00:00 Juan José Gómez M.J. Comas-Rengifo A. Goy <p>Deposition of black shale facies, one of the main contributors for hydrocarbon production, is commonly assumed to be linked to Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs), which are supposed to be generated during warm palaeoclimats. This assumption could bias the exploration for hydrocarbon source rocks preferentially towards sediments deposited under warm palaoenvironments, as a preferential guide for hydrocarbon exploration. As a consequence, the establishment of the links between palaeotemperature and the formation of organic-rich deposits is of primary importance to find arguments on this subject. For this purpose, the Upper Sinemurian, Pliensbachian and Lower Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) deposits of the Asturian Basin in Northern Spain, including more than 100 m thick succession containing organic-rich and black shale deposits, has been studied. Correlation between palaeoclimatic data, previously obtained from oxygen isotopes, and the TOC content reveals that black shales and organic-rich sediments were deposited not only during warming intervals but also during a prominent cooling event that occurred at the Late Pliensbachian. This cooling interval has been pointed out as one of the main candidates to have developed ice caps in the poles during the Jurassic. On the contrary, no black shales were generated during the postulated Early Toarcian OAE, which coincides with a superwarming interval. Additionally, the study of the facies cycles and the measurement of gamma-ray in outcrops and its correlation with TOC content provides data on the use of natural radioactivity and sea level changes as a proxy for preliminary organic matter richness evaluation.</p> 2016-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of a sand-dominated coastal system of the Upper Miocene of eastern Guadalquivir Basin (south Spain): fossil assemblages, ichnology and taphonomy 2017-02-16T10:54:53+00:00 Matias Reolid Fernando Garcia-Garcia Jesus Reolid Arancha de Castro Jose Bueno Elvira Martín-Suárez The palaeontological study of fossil assemblages from the Upper Miocene (Tortonian) marine deposits of the eastern sector of the Guadalquivir Basin allows interpreting palaeoenvironmental and depositional conditions when this basin acted as a connection between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The Arroyo Escobar section represents a sand-dominated coastal system in transition to offshore deposits located on the northern margin of the basin. The materials are constituted by alternations of highly bioturbated fine sands (Skolithos ichnofacies) and bioclast-rich cemented coarse sands. In this context, several fossil remains of vertebrates have been recorded, corresponding to marine mammals, mainly cetaceans and pinniped. The remains are incomplete due to different factors, mainly the action of large scavengers. The palaeoenvironmental interpretation of these deposits has been based on the analysis of lithofacies, as well as the study of trace fossils and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Background dynamic was affected by the input of high energy deposits coming from shallower and more proximal environments which incorporates allochthonous faunas with different preservation. In addition, this work is the first study of fossil marine mammals in the eastern sector of the Guadalquivir Basin. 2016-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Depositional architecture and peculiar sedimentary features of late Cretaceous Utrillas Formation at Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain) 2017-02-16T11:27:00+00:00 José F. García-Hidalgo J. Gil-Gil M. Segura B. Carenas The Utrillas Formation represents clastic wedges that accumulated in relation to continental-coastal areas of Iberian Basin during the worldwide late Cretaceous sea-level rise. At the Tamajón outcrop the late Cenomanian Utrillas wedges are composed of four facies associations (FA1 to FA4), which unconformable overlay Triassic deposits. Basal sediments (FA1) are interpreted as high energy, braided fluvial deposits, characterized by coarse-grained (conglomerate–sandstone) facies; which grade upwards to tide-influenced, estuarine sedimentation (sandstones and mudstones with inclined heterolithic stratification, FA2), and then to high-energy, coastal sheet and channelled sandstones with different tidal features (FA3); and finally, to fine-grained (mudstones and minor burrowed sandstones) of an offshore marine associations (FA4). The depositional architecture based in the presence and hierarchy of several ranks of bounding surfaces and the overall upward-fining succession show the long term retrogradational trend of these facies associations. Peculiar sedimentary features of these sediments are 1) the presence of large-scale, single sets of cross beds infilling large erosive channels, which are tidal (not aeolian) in origin. 2) The size and length of the cross-bedding defined by couplets of different grain size; here interpreted as originated by flow unsteadiness in relation to changing tides. And 3) an unusual association of ironstones, wrinkle structures and vertebrate tracks with microbial mats and penecontemporaneous iron encrusting allowing track preservation in the sedimentary record. 2016-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The Middle Jurassic Alpine Tethyan Unconformity and the Eastern Sardinia - Corsica Jurassic High: A sedimentary and regional analysis 2017-02-16T11:34:33+00:00 Luca Giacomo Costamagna Investigations performed along the Middle Jurassic Alpine Tethyan unconformity surface of E Sardinia evidenced an elaborate surface that developed over older Late Paleozoic to Triassic rocks. This surface is covered by the Middle Jurassic Genna Selole Fm, which has different sedimentological and petrographical characteristics and thicknesses according to its location and the morphology and evolution of the lower substrate. An analysis of the unconformity and the rocks located above and below it revealed that a tectonic high emerged early during the Middle Jurassic from E Sardinia to Corsica in response to the extensional tectonics leading to the Alpine Tethys opening. This high was almost immediately fragmented in secondary blocks, and an irregular morphology of minor lows and highs thus formed upon it. The high was, on the whole, subjected to strong erosion. Its deposits accumulated along the rims of the high and in the lows of its surface, smoothing the landscape and preparing it for the marine transgression that followed. The tectonic high rapidly collapsed starting from its North side as show the older age of the marine deposits first investigated. A similar rise-and-collapse tectosedimentary evolution can be seen in some of the W Mediterranean domains next to the Sardinia-Corsica block. Indeed, they are all related to the Alpine Tethys opening and may mark a discontinuous high separating the Paleoeuropa from the Tethyan domain. Consequently, a comparison with all of these domains has been attempted by trying to set the Sardinia-Corsica block in this extensional margin scenario. 2016-12-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Middle Jurassic volcanism in a magmatic-rich passive margin linked to the Caudiel Fault Zone (Iberian Range, East of Spain): biostratigraphical dating 2017-02-16T11:41:39+00:00 J.E. Cortés J.J. Gómez During the Early and Middle Jurassic, the Iberian Basin (East of Spain) recorded the transition from a generally magma-poor passive margin, which operated during the latest Triassic and most of Early Jurassic, to a magma-rich passive margin, developed from Pliensbachian to early Middle Jurassic. The mainly submarine pyroclastic volcanism, with minor lava flows, followed active NW and NE trending extensional fault zones. One of these zones of weakness, from which the volcanic deposits were expelled to the sea bottom, was the Caudiel Fault Zone. Two volcanic phases in relation to this weakness line over the Middle Jurassic times have been identified. The main phase occurred during the deposition of the El Pedregal Formation, and the other, less significant, is included between the Casinos and the El Pedregal formations. So far, the accurate age of these volcanisms, critical in the knowledge of the palaeogeographical and geodynamical evolution of the Iberian Basin, has remained uncertain. The ammonite content of the carbonate successions, with which these rocks are interbedded, allows precise biostratigraphical dating at the chronozone scale. For this purpose, 9 sections have been measured and 360 specimens of ammonites were collected and determined. The obtained data indicate that the Middle Jurassic volcanic deposits that are linked to the Caudiel Fault Zone and included into the El Pedregal Formation show a slight diachrony. They were deposited around the boundary between the Late Aalenian Concavum and the Early Bajocian Discites chronozones. However, in very restricted areas of the Caudiel Fault Zone, an older intra-Murchisonae volcanism was recorded. Copyright (c) Lower Jurassic brachiopods from the Ibero-Levantine Sector (Iberian Range): Faunal turnovers and critical bioevents 2017-02-16T11:47:29+00:00 J.F. Baeza-Carratalá F. García Joral J.E. Tent-Manclús <p>Brachiopod fauna from the peri-Iberian platform system is well-known in the Late Pliensbachian-Toarcian interval. However, the diversity dynamics and the stratigraphical distribution of this group in the Ibero-Levantine Sector of the Iberian Range require more accurate analysis due to the patchy distribution of the outcrops. The abovementioned timespan involved a period of changes in long-term environmental conditions which led to a severe extinction and critical turnovers on the brachiopod fauna (ETMEE). The Ibero-Levantine sector has notable palaeobiogeographical significance as it represents the south-easternmost outcrops of the Iberian Range connecting with the Betic Domain positioned in the South-Iberian Palaeomargin. In this region, the brachiopod fauna has been arranged into six assemblages, showing a discontinuous stratigraphic distribution since its diversity dynamics is markedly conditioned by the extinction phases linked to the ETMEE: Ass. 1, recorded in the Spinatum-lower Tenuicostatum chronozones; Ass. 2, mainly recorded in the Tenuicostatum chronozone; Ass. 3, typifying the lower Serpentinum chronozone; Ass. 4, documented in the Serpentinum-lowermost Bifrons chronozones; Ass. 5, recorded in the Bifrons-Variabilis chronozones, and Ass. 6, distinctive of the Pseudoradiosa-Aalensis chronozones.</p><p>The faunal succession shows strong affinities with the Euro-Boreal province, what rules out the transitional or even Mediterranean palaeogeographical affinity previously attributed to the southernmost part of this area. Amidst the main brachiopod-based bioevents must be considered the predominance of the genus Lobothyris in the pre-ETMEE assemblages, the conspicuous record of<em> Liospiriferina? undulata</em>, distinctive taxon of the north-African margin and, especially, the first record in the Iberian Peninsula of thecideid marker beds prior to the ETMEE. After the opportunistic strategy conducted by <em>Soaresirhynchia bouchardi </em>the distribution of the post-ETMEE brachiopod assemblages is markedly influenced by the depositional sequences, entailing premature turnovers and involving the earlier record of homeomorphic morphotypes of younger terebratulides and rhynchonellides</p> Copyright (c)