Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura Ediciones Complutense es-ES Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2530-4887 <p>In order to support the global exchange of knowledge, the journal <em>Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura </em>is allowing unrestricted access to its content as from its publication in this electronic edition, and as such it is an open-access journal. The originals published in this journal are the property of the Complutense University of Madrid and any reproduction thereof in full or in part must cite the source. All content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 use and distribution licence (CC BY 4.0). This circumstance must be expressly stated in these terms where necessary. You can view the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode" target="_self">summary </a>and the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode">complete legal text</a> of the licence.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Presentación https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/87796 Abaton Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 9 9 10.5209/abat.87796 La bibliothèque de Robert de Cotte https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57002 <p>The name Robert de Cotte is by now so familiar to any connoisseur of modern architecture that one wonders if there is anything left to discover. But despite the studies of his work, one aspect that has been little studied is his life, his family and his fortune. Thanks to the recent discovery of the inventory after the death of his wife, Catherine Bo-din, it is possible to shed more light on these different aspects. His library reflects the inspirations and interests of Robert de Cotte and bears witness to the taste and inspirations of an era and the culture of an enlightened person.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> Pierre Geoffroy Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 11 16 10.5209/ABAT.57002 Nobles and Books: Caramuel's Architectura Civil Recta y Oblicua in a Valencian Library https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57003 <p>The article analyses the books found at the death of Gaspar de Cervellón in Valencia in 1686. Caramuel's book on architecture is found alongside other books in which science enters the realm of the jocular and the literary games of the opposition of opposites.</p> Yolanda Gil Saura Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 17 27 10.5209/ABAT.57003 La biblioteca de un ilustrado: el arquitecto Torcuato Cayón y sus libros https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57004 <p>The main objective of this essay is to study the inventory of store of the architect Torcuato Cayón, Maestro Mayor of the city of Cadiz, which was completed after his death by his widow Maria de Santaman in 1783. The analyzed affidavit shows the library of a professional of architecture with an interesting collection of books, where classicism and enlightenment is represented by architectural treatises and books about mathematics, literature, philosophy and religion</p> Luis F. Martínez Montiel Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 29 45 10.5209/ABAT.57004 La biblioteca del arquitecto e ingeniero militar José de Hermosilla y Sandoval https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57005 <p>José de Hermosilla was to play a decisive role in the renewal of architectural languages and in the very consideration of the figure of the architect in the central years of the 18th century. Among the documents that have made it possible to reconstruct his figure in recent years are the inventories of his library in his houses in Leganés and Llerena.</p> Delfín Rodríguez Ruiz Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 47 54 10.5209/ABAT.57005 Two unpublished drawings, of Ventura Rodríguez and Ignacio Thomas, for the Chapel and the Palace of Arenas de San Pedro https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57016 <p>These two unpublished drawings, closely related to each other, with differences dates (1779 and 1783) and of signatures of authorship, one of Ventura Rodríguez, one of the most important and complex architects of the Eighteenth century (Reese, 1976; Rodríguez Ruiz, 2009), and the other of his followers Ignacio Thomas or Tomás, as is usual to know him in historiography (Sambricio, 1986). They are joined not only by their personal and professional relationship and their ties to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, but, fundamentally in this case, these are projects for the same work, the palace thought-out by Don Luis Antonio Jaime de Borbón y Farnesio (1727-1785) for their collection and were passed their last years of his life, in Arenas de San Pedro (Avila).</p> Delfín Rodríguez Ruiz Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 185 189 10.5209/ABAT.57016 The Grande Cretto in Gibellina: an unrepresentable spatial experience? https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57018 <p>The essay take the cue from Petra Noordkamp's film (2015) about <em>Grande Cretto</em> by Alberto Burri in Gibellina to reconstruct the history of this artistic-architectural construction and analyze its function, fruition and representativeness. A work like that takes the viewer to live a particular spatial experience that would be difficult to re-present without the use of moving images.</p> Simone Zacchini Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 191 194 10.5209/ABAT.57018 Vasari, sus Dimore (Arezzo y Florencia) y lo Stanzino del Príncipe: Teatro-Memoria-Sapiencia https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57007 <p>The aim of this article is to focus on and approach the multifaceted figure of Giorgio Vasari from the perspective of the memory-theatre-sapience trinomial, as a means of study that can clarify and provide important clarifications and concatenated and interwoven data regarding his varied activity, from painter, writer and architect to his status as a court artist and consummate craftsman of perspective.</p> Diego Suárez Quevedo Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 55 63 10.5209/ABAT.57007 Dance literature: Traite des tournois, joustes, carroussels et autres spectacles publics and Des Ballets Anciens et Modernes by C.F Ménestrier. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57008 <p>Baroque Festival in France has a profile defining characterized as a conglomerate of several spectacles, cohesive under the heading of Carousel. A short approach and iconographic and iconological analysis of some of the most significant treaties of the French Baroque Festival, C. F. Menestrier, chief ideologue of the shows of the France of Louis XIV is proposed.</p> Esther Merino Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 65 78 10.5209/ABAT.57008 First graphical representations of the Prado de San Jerónimo of Madrid https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57009 <p>In the present work we refer to the initial moments of the development of San Jerónimo's Meadow as public walk during the reign of Philip II and deal with the first graphical representations known nowadays about this public space, arisen in the reign of Philip III after the return of the Court of Valladolid.</p> José Miguel Muñoz de la Nava Chacón Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 79 91 10.5209/ABAT.57009 Emblematic Literature in the Comedia de Magia of the 18th. dentury. Scenic emblems in El Mágico de Salerno, Pedro Vayalarde, by Juan Salvo y Vela https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57010 <p>The <em>comedia de magia </em>is the most important and distinctive theatrical genre of the eighteenth century in Spain. Those comedies are spectacular performances whose verbal and visual discourses create complex scenic emblems based on the best known books of emblems of the time. In this paper we analyze some scenes of one of the most popular series of <em>comedias de magia</em>, <em>El mágico de Salerno, Pedro Vayalarde</em>, by Juan Salvo y Vela, trying to decode the cryptic messages that, for a couple of centuries, mistook criticism</p> Ana Contreras Elvira Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 93 104 10.5209/ABAT.57010 Artistic collaboration in the late Roman and Sicilian baroque: Giacomo Amato's design of sculpture and architectural design https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57011 <p>This short essay will try to highlight how a Sicilian architect, Giacomo Amato, established, between 1670 and 1700, to entrust the figurative image of his architecture and mobile furnishings in full to two marattesque painters: the Sicilians Pietro Aquila and Antonio (or Antonino) Grano, both known in Rome.</p> Sabina de Cavi Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 105 118 10.5209/ABAT.57011 Raimondo di Sangro y el significado de la Cappella Sansevero https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/87769 <p>The origins of the Cappella Sansevero in Naples date back to the end of the 16th century, but it reached its peak of splendour in the second half of the 18th century. The embellishment of this family mausoleum was the work of the seventh prince of the Sansevero house: Don Raimondo di Sangro, a man versed in countless arts and whose life was marked by controversy and the affection of his contemporaries. Both his patron and the temple have been the subject of myths and legends, due to the hermetic, alchemical and masonic symbolism present in the chapel.</p> Carlos Lozano Guillem Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 119 130 10.5209/abat.87769 Architecture and Body in Peter Greenaway. Building and Allegory in Cinema https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57015 <p>The relations between painting and cinema, as the union between body and architecture, provide the basis of visual thinking of Peter Greenaway, british filmmaker who produces content with ability to unite the humanists of the Italian Renaissance with experimental proposals supported in constructions of Aby Warburg picture.</p> Eduardo Blázquez Mateos Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 131 139 10.5209/ABAT.57015 Choix des ornaments Arabes de l’Alhambra: Girault de Prangey y los Hermanos Bisson, entre la memoria histórica y la evocación romántica https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/87770 <p>The interest in monumental and artistic heritage was the first objective of the photographic camera. Born in the midst of the process of consolidation of the theories of Romanticism and the birth of modern tourism, one of the first examples of architectural representation. An example of the taste for the dissemination of Nasrid models in nineteenth-century architecture and a pioneering work in photographic illustration was the work of the Bisson brothers. An example of the graphic revolution and, at the same time, of the visual continuity of traditional architectural representation under photography.</p> Helena Pérez Gallardo Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 141 150 10.5209/abat.87770 Belém, History, Politics, Architecture and Photography https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/57013 <p>Belém is one of Lisbon better known areas, It has some of the better known and most iconic monuments; they are among the most photographed since the 1860's. Jerónimos Monastery and Belém Tower are symbolic of the Golden Age of Portuguese Seaborne Empire. These monuments gained a great importance in 19th century Portugal, as they were the stage of 1880's Camões tri centennial, one of the most important political and social happenings of late 19th century Portugal. Before that they were the subject of stereo images made by Portuguese and foreign photographers, mostly for stereo card sale. They saw here an example of exotism, given by Manuelino Style, strong in Portugal, around 1500, and it's heavy decoration with sea, and nature motifs. We will try to intersect History, Ideology, Architecture and History, to understand how this place became so important, as one of the places of memory for Portugal. We will question photography as an ideological tool of the bourgeois desire of building a visual account for History.</p> Nuno Pinheiro Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 151 159 10.5209/ABAT.57013 Baroque ways of seeing https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/87771 <p>The photographic documentation of the Baroque architectures, considered here in some Piedmontese examples, went with the growth of their critical fortune. It has also represented a fruitful opportunity to verify the very narrative modalities of photography, witnessing the passage from the descriptive intention proper to nineteenth-century culture, and from the modernist formalizations then, to a more fully interpretative will, where photography turns out to be an instrument of critical reading, the more effective the more adherent to the logic of Baroque visuality, up to risk a photographic reinvention of those same architectures.</p> Pierangelo Cavanna Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 161 174 10.5209/abat.87771 James Wines, SITE and their Highrise of Homes How to ensure that a single project represents the union of the desire of the citizens and the intentions of the urban planners https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ABAT/article/view/87772 <p>The compact city requires high-rise buildings, but it is the dispersed city that has grown and triumphed in recent decades. The proposal of the architect James Wines in the eighties, his <em>Highrise of Homes</em> becomes relevant once again and unites the best of both worlds.</p> Marta Quintana De Juan Copyright (c) 2023 Abaton. Revista de figuración, representación e imágenes de la arquitectura 2023-07-13 2023-07-13 1 175 184 10.5209/abat.87772